In a little over a month after the Maritime Mysteries Explorers visited the Megalith site at Gunung Padang, there was another distinguished visitor to the site. None other than the world renowned adventurer, writer, and journalist, Graham Hancock. His writings has served as an inspiration to a number of our explorations. As it so happens, when we were discussing an anomaly that we found on the Luconia Shoals last year, I show one of the skeptics in our group what Graham had written about the structures that are found under the sea off the Japanese island of Yonaguni, which he talks about in his book, Underworld: the Mysterious Origins of Civilisation. In this book, he talks about the possibility of an Ice-Aged civilisation just like we are searching for. Coincidentally, when this person saw the pictures from Graham's website, he remember coming across similar structures on the South Korean country-side. Needless to say, this open his eyes to the possibilities of what we were looking for.
Read what Graham Hancock had to say about his visit to Gunung Padang:
From Indonesia To Turkey New Archaeological Discoveries Uncover The Mysteries Of A Lost Civilisation
By Graham Hancock
Read what Graham Hancock had to say about his visit to Gunung Padang:
From Indonesia To Turkey New Archaeological Discoveries Uncover The Mysteries Of A Lost Civilisation
By Graham Hancock